General Rules for Students
Students should converse only in English in the school premises and should maintain discipline and observe good manners. Criticism of the teacher or school must be avoided.
Every child should take proper care of the school property. Damage done even by accident should be reported to the Class Teacher/Co-ordinator/Vice-Principal/ Principal damage cost will be recovered from the concerned student.
Expensive things are not allowed.
Every student should take care of the private property. Money should not be lent or borrowed. The school is not responsible for the goods lost.
Students suffering from any contagious disease will not be allowed to attend classes until he/she recovers from it and submits a medical certificate from a doctor.
Bicycles must be properly locked and kept in the cycle stand. School will not be responsible for the Vehicles /bicycle kept outside the school premises.
The warning bell before a class or assembly is a signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective classrooms. This should be done in silence. Changing of class rooms during periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.
Students should be very neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days. No relaxation is acceptable in this regard. General Turnout of Student will be checked during Assembly or at any time during their stay in the school by the staff or by the Student Prefects and defaulters will be given certain task to complete the task given. a constructive way.
Monthly haircut is mandatory. Boys are required to have short hair with short side looks. Hairstyle should be according to the norms of the school. No elaborate hair do is allowed for girls as well. Girls with long hair should plait it with Black ribbons/Rubber band/Hair Band.
Wearing low waist trousers and altered trousers to make it more tapered towards bottom are strictly not allowed.
Nails should be clipped short and kept clean. Personal hygiene to be maintained. Daily bath is compulsory for all students.
Shirt Buttons should not be kept open and the shirt has to be tucked properly, irrespective of the dress i.e. uniform or coloured dress. Belts to be worn tightly and visibly.
Designs, lines, arts, writings, patching, paintings or pictures on pants or shirts are not allowed.
The School reserves right, to terminate the schooling of students for unsatisfactory progress in studies or whose conduct is unauthorised and unparliamentary.
Parents should co-operate with the school in its attempt to help the Child's progress, paying attention to the punctuality, regularity and discipline and should also take interest in their child's studies & other activities.
It has been observed with dismay that students turn up late to the school which is undesirable. Henceforth latecomers will be sent back home. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
No sharp objects like blade, knife, scissors, and needle should be sent to school to ensure safety.
Valuable articles like gold/diamond jewellery (chain & danglers), facial make up like eye makeup henna decorating palms & feet is strictly prohibited in the school. Electronic gadgets (mobiles, i-pod and camera) are not permitted inside the school premises. If found, the articles will be confiscated and will be returned only at the end of the academic year. If such instances are repeated, then the child may be asked to leave the school.
Every student will go home only by school transport/authorized transport or with the authorized escort of their own. Regarding authorization of escort, parents are requested to submit a written authorization letter. The school should be informed immediately in writing about the change of authorized escort.
School does not allow short leave of students. In case of emergency parents should submit application written request along with their photo ID.
School property damage will be fined accordingly.
Safety Rules
Your safety and protection is our first and most important concern.
No student should put themselves in danger. If you believe that obeying an instruction from a friend/teacher would put you at risk of injury or harm, politely say No and report the instruction to the principal immediately
No student should be alone in a room with any one Student/staff member. If you find yourself in a room alone with a Student/teacher, politely leave the room. You can continue outside.
Say no to Bullying, threatening and teasing otherwise be ready to face the consequences.
If you see anyone being bullied, teased, threatened, etc., in the school or by anyone from this school (whether the person is being bullied is you or someone else), you must report the incident IMMEDIATELY to the Vice Principal / Principal.
Students at OASIS should NOT call people by nick-names or else other than the person's name.
Any adult on school grounds that is not known to you as a teacher, staff member or parent, (or who is not wearing a school ID badge) must be reported IMMEDIATELY to Office.
No one should touch anyone in the school unless they do so in supervised sport or classroom activities. This means there is no touching...either affectionately or otherwise
No student is permitted to open a closed door without a teacher's permission.
No student or students should be seen alone in a class room without teacher supervision.
If you consider the behaviour or conduct of any staff member/Student at this school 'inappropriate', you must report the incident immediately to the School Principal or coordinator who will conduct a confidential investigation, take appropriate action including where necessary, reporting of the incident to the appropriate authorities.
There is no dangerous play at this pushing, no throwing objects of any kind (unless within supervised sport), no playing pranks like pulling out chairs, tripping, pushing in on lines, etc.,
Guidelines to Parents/Guardians
Parents must regularly visit school websites to know all the necessary information of the school activities. They can also respond or give their feedback through SMS/School Dairy/ School Mail Id facility provided by the school.
It is always advisable to write to the school about the problems of your child. Your letters will be replied to, after discussion with the concerned teachers and coordinator, you can also appreciate the efforts put by the school.
Any communication made by the Parent/Guardian should be addressed to the Principal through the class teacher and all correspondence from the school to the parents will be made by the Principal.
Any communication made by the Parent/Guardian should be addressed to the Principal through the class teacher and all correspondence from the school to the parents will be made by the Principal.
Parents are required to cooperate with the school in its attempt to help their child/children progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and take interest in their child's work. They should check the School Diary every day and note the homework and other instructions given. They are advised to check the bags of their wards to see if any circular/notice/invitation etc. has been issued.
Care must be taken of all school property and if any damage is done, it must be repaired by the concerned student together with a fine imposed for the offense.
All students are expected to report to the school on the notified date at the beginning of the term.
It is compulsory for the student to have 90% of the attendance in the year to make him/her eligible to appear in the final examination.
Once the name is struck off from the roll, readmission can be done with due permission of the Principal.
Parents must first consult the school calendar, date sheets and other circulars, before making enquiries on the phone.
Important messages are communicated, well in advance, through the students or through remarks of class teachers in their diary or SMS. Students will be responsible for any misinterpretation of any rule of keeping the parents in the dark about the remarks given by the authority of the School.
No student shall indulge in any of the following practices: Usage of foul language (Unparliamentary language) & misbehave with the conductor or the driver while traveling in the bus. Student will be punished/expelled from the school if found involved in above mentioned activities.
Parents are requested to attend the Parent Teacher Meeting without Fail which is scheduled as per the Academic Calendar.